to the
American Fork High School
Concert Band !
Students playing in the AFHS Concert Band will be provided these bench marks for a passing grade. Bench Marks are broken down into 3 categories: 1) Scales 2) Etudes and Solos 3) Tuning.
There will be 3 scales that will need to be passed off each term totaling 12 scales.
Etudes and Solos are broken up into 3 segments throughout the school year. The first segment is an etude that will be handed out at the beginning of the year OR Audition for All-state. Students will need to pass them off in early November. The second segment is required participation in School Solo and Ensembles. Students will pick 1 of the 4 listed solos and perform the solo for a grade at School S&E. The last segment will be another etude that will need to be submitted for a grade in early May.
Lastly, students will demonstrate proficiency on their instrument for tuning.
The below sections will provide access to all of the material that will be needed
There will be 3 scales that will need to be passed off each term totaling 12 scales.
Etudes and Solos are broken up into 3 segments throughout the school year. The first segment is an etude that will be handed out at the beginning of the year OR Audition for All-state. Students will need to pass them off in early November. The second segment is required participation in School Solo and Ensembles. Students will pick 1 of the 4 listed solos and perform the solo for a grade at School S&E. The last segment will be another etude that will need to be submitted for a grade in early May.
Lastly, students will demonstrate proficiency on their instrument for tuning.
The below sections will provide access to all of the material that will be needed
Scales and the first Etude: |
Solo and Ensemble Material: |
There are three scales that will need to be passed off each term. Students can pass off the scales in two ways. 1) They can play them for a band director in person. Students can pass them off as many times as they want in order to obtain their desired grade until the final designated day of the term. 2) Students can submit a video of them playing their scales on Canvas by the final designated day of the term. These videos will be graded at the end of the term. Students should submit their best performance. No other submissions for higher grades will be accepted after the final grade has been give if submitted on Canvas. Scales can be accessed by clicking on the link below: Flute: Oboe: Bassoon: Clarinet: Bass Clarinet: Alto/ Bari Sax: Tenor Sax: Trumpet: Horn: Trombone/ Euphonium: Tuba: Etude 1: Due November 17th:
Students have 2 options for the first etude. 1) Students can audition for All-State Band by playing the all state etude. They will then submit the video recording to canvas for a final grade. Students who make the All-state band will receive an automatic pass. Grades will not be effected by not making the all-state band. The canvas submission will by due In November. 2) Students can play the preselected etude. Regardless of which option is chosen both will need to be submitted for a grade. Not making the All-state band will not factor into the grade. Students who make the All-state band will automatically receive an A. Students will need to submit a video recording to Canvas by November 17th or play it for a band director by that date. Students can play the etude for the director as many times as they want prior to November 17th to obtain their desired grade. If they submit to Canvas it will be graded after November 17th and no other submissions for higher grades will be accepted. Etude 1 Option 1 (All-state Etude) - Click here for link to All-state Etude Etude 1 Option 2 can be accessed by clicking on the below link. Selecting your instrument and learn 1B and play the A ending. - Click here for the link to Etude 1 Option 2 Tuning Through Remington Long TonesTuning is an essential part of a musicians development. Without the ability to play pitches in tune, students begin to lag behind. These exercises are intended to help student develop a better sense of tonal center.
Students will play two separate long tones at the end of each semester to demonstrate proficiency of tuning. The below document shows all of the tuning tendencies for each instrument. The long tones can be found on page 3. Flute Oboe Bassoon Clarinet Bass Clarinet Alto Sax Tenor Sax Bari Sax Trumpet French Horn Trombone Euphonium Tuba Remington 1: Due December 10th
Recommended Tuners:
Everyone in Concert Band will be required to play a solo for School Solo and Ensemble on Feb 19th. Students will receive a grade based off of the score from the judge. Students will be required to pick solos from the Prescribed Solo List (PSL). There are a few exceptions when choosing from the PSL.
Below is the link to the Prescribed Music List: Click Here for PSL Etude 2: Due May 6thInformation Coming Soon